Stay prepared for the unexpected!
Stay prepared for the unexpected!
First Aid Records must be completed whenever a first aid attendant assists a coworker with an injury, illness, or exposure.
These handouts assist the first aid attendant in explaining the appropriate at-home care for minor injuries and wounds treated at work.
First Aid Records must be filled out every time a first aid attendant sees a coworker about an injury, illness, or exposure.
New Written First Aid Assessments must be finalized by October 31, 2024. This worksheet is designed to assist employers in completing the assessment.
This link provides access to the WorkSafeBC Guidelines on Occupational First Aid Regulations.
A short video explaining the changes to first aid requirements for Employers and First Aid Attendants.
This is a detailed list of Classification Units and Risk Ratings for various types of workplaces. Our Minimum First Aid Requirement Calculator can also calculate this for you.
This WorkSafeBC document answers frequently asked questions about the new first aid requirements.
These tables outline the minimum first aid requirements for each type of workplace. Our Minimum First Aid Requirement Calculator can also determine this for you.
This document outlines the first aid equipment and supplies required on worksites following the changes effective November 1, 2024.