BC Out of Jurisdiction First Aid Certificate
Step 1 – Eligibility Check:
- Requirement: You must hold a currently valid Canadian Red Cross First Aid certification from another province.
- Purpose: This BC out-of-jurisdiction add-on is for Standard & Emergency First Aid course participants who need certification to work in British Columbia.
Step 2 – Self-Study Component:
- Material Provided: You will receive a self-study manual covering important workplace health & safety information specific to B.C.
- Objective: This ensures you understand B.C. workplace safety regulations before working in the province.
Step 3 – Office Visit & Paperwork:
- Visit Required: Students must visit our office to sign BC Provincial Government paperwork and pick up their certificate.
Step 4 – Certification & Cost:
- Certificate Issued: Upon completion, your first aid certification will be updated to one accepted in B.C. The expiration date remains the same as your original certification.
- Cost: $30
For more any questions, please contact our office!