Zoll AED 3 - Complete Package
Characteristics Summary:
The AED that leads the way
The innovative, intuitive design and leading-edge features of the ZOLL AED 3 will give unexpected heroes the confidence and the knowledge needed to help save lives.
Hope is in your hands
ZOLL AED 3 is designed to enable bystanders to act quickly, appropriately, and confidently to help save lives in an SCA emergency.
Enhanced Real CPR Help
Proven Real CPR Help technology provides real-time feedback on rate and depth of compressions to help rescuers deliver high-quality CPR. ZOLL AED 3 has a full-color display with vivid rescue images, a CPR cycle timer, and a large color bar gauge that shows CPR compression depth in real-time.
RapidShock analysis
RapidShock™ analysis enables the industry’s shortest rhythm analysis and allows ZOLL AED 3 to deliver a shock, if needed, in as little as 5 seconds. Minimizing pause time allows for more lifesaving CPR, improves CPR quality, and can improve patient outcomes from sudden cardiac arrest.
Integrated pediatric rescue
The universal design of CPR Uni-padz® electrodes gives rescuers a single solution for both adult and pediatric victims of SCA. To treat a child, use the same set of pads and simply activate child mode. You'll be prepared to help whether the victim is 7 or 70 years old.
Optional WiFi connectivity
Cloud connectivity can enable automatic reporting of device status, giving you the confidence that your AED is ready in an emergency. WiFi also provides the ability to quickly access and transmit cardiac arrest event data to medical professionals.
PlusTrac program management
Your AED needs to be ready the day you need it, not just the day you buy it. PlusTrac® AED program management software helps you track and manage consumable items such as pads and batteries, monitors the certification expiration dates of volunteer responders, and keeps track of your compliance with local AED regulations.