Psychological First Aid Instructor

Psychological First Aid Instructor-Pacific First Aid

Psychological First Aid Instructor

If you can't find any available courses, please feel free to give us a call at +1 (604) 638-1228. We'll be more than happy to put you on the waiting list until the next course becomes available!


A more detailed description can be found below ⬇.

Regular price $295.00

Psychological First Aid Instructors support the delivery of our Psychological First Aid course. Candidates will develop competencies in facilitating case-based learning, and how to support learners in understanding a resiliency-building approach to emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

Course Pre-Requisites:

  • 18 years of age
  • Fundamental of Instructions (Online and In-class)
  • Psychological First Aid certification

Course Duration:

  • $295 + tax for 2-day program


If you are having trouble registering for any of our courses, please contact us at or call us directly at (604) 638-1228. We'll be happy to manually complete the enrollment if necessary!