Get Ready: The Great BC ShakeOut is happening soon!

by Marketing Team Suero

What is it?

The Great BC ShakeOut is a province-wide “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” earthquake drill. All individuals and businesses across British Columbia are encouraged to participate in this earthquake drill. This is a good annual reminder to refresh your earthquake preparedness or learn more about it.

When is it?

The Great BC ShakeOut is an annual event in BC, scheduled every third Thursday of October, on 10:17am.

Why is it important?

Being prepared is key to building confidence, especially when you’re faced with unexpected situations, such as an earthquake. Each individual’s level of preparedness is critical to their ability to respond and recover after any disaster. Similarly, the preparedness of a community builds resilience – a community’s ability to recover after an emergency.

As a part of our community, we invite you to participate in any way, no matter where you are, on October 17th at 10:17am.

To participate in the Great BC ShakeOut, follow these steps:

  1. Before October 17:
    1. If you wish to, you can download the recording of an earthquake at Identify a few safe places to “Drop, Cover, and Hold on!”.
    2. Whether you’re at home or in the office, make sure you have a safe place to “Drop, Cover, and Hold on!”.
  1. On October 17 at 10:17am, play the earthquake recording and “Drop, Cover and Hold On!” in your safe place.
  1. While under a sturdy desk or table, look around at what might fall in a real earthquake. These items or pieces of furniture should be secured or moved after the drill.
  1. After the “shaking” stops, count to 60 seconds before coming out of your safe place.
  1. If you can, discuss your experiences with those in your home or office, and make any changes to items or furniture around you so they won’t be a danger in a real earthquake.

Other things to consider:

  1. Have a family emergency plan in place. In the event of a real emergency, how will your family respond? Does everyone know their role and what they need to do? Where do you plan to meet up? Who will pick up the kids? If you don’t have a plan in place, use this free resource to draft out a plan
  1. Have a 72-hour emergency kit prepared – in your house, in your car, in your office. Make sure the kit covers the number of people in your household or office.

If you’re not sure what goes in a 72-hour emergency kit or what each item is used for, read more about it here: How to Use Your Emergency Survival Kit.

Written by: Lisa Deacon

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