Celebrate World Mental Health Awareness Day with PFA!
Photo Credit: Sean Kong
Good health is not just a reflection of the body but a reflection of the mind as well. Today is Mental Health Awareness day! Take time to sit down with a friend, a family member, someone at school, someone at work and ask how they are doing. Something so simple, can do so much good and may be just the thing to change that persons day, week or month. Although that is just the basics, celebrate World Mental health Awareness day by signing up for our mental health first aid course. Learn the skills you need to help those around you under mental pressure and stress. Not only does this course teach you techniques to help others but also how to help yourself.
In today's society there is so much emphasis put on keeping a healthy body but their is so much less said about keeping a healthy mind. Mental health first aid was not something that was recognized as a certified first aid course for many years. As we see a shift in awareness with events and days like today to spread the word about mental health first aid, we will see a change in how we interact with one another in the workplace, school environment and in society in general. Let's make a positive shift for the better. Raise awareness and sign up today for a Pacific First Aid Mental health first aid course to learn the skills that YOU need to help someone you care about!
For more great mental health first aid training, mental health first aid courses, first aid courses, first aid training and first aid gear visit us at:
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