5 Productive Habits for 2019

by Dennis Kim

Photo Credit: Aaron Burden

Have you been making good on your new years resolution for another new year? Has your 2019 kicked off to a successful and productive start? Well here are 5 easy habits to incorporate into your daily grind that may help you to make sure your hitting those goals! Because without practical goals, dreams are just dreams! Let’s kick off the new year with a great start!

  1. Get organized! Is your workspace a cluttered mess of useless papers and things that belong in a junk drawer? Well start your day by decluttering and making space for your mind to think freely. Not only will you find you feel less anxiety when you sit down to work you will also be able to find things in a rush!
  2. Morning Prep! Take 10 minutes every morning to prep! Not meaning meal prep or laying your cloths out (but you could do that as well!) rather taking 10 minutes to yourself to listen to your favorite music or silence if you prefer. Take this time to breath deeply and to think positive thoughts and affirmations. As the rest of the day is sure to throw curve balls at you, let this be your time to take to yourself and mentally prepare with positivity for everything life has to throw at you.
  3. Coffee meetups! Have you been for a coffee with someone new recently? Even if it doesn’t concern business, try to make efforts to meet creative, driven and like-minded individuals for casual conversation and coffee. Listen more than speaking and you may be startled about how much you can learn! Not to mention the addition of new and unlikely friends to your contacts is a great bonus! 4.
  4. Catch yourself in the act! It is not good to lie to others but it is equally as bad or worse to lie to oneself. Make sure to catch yourself in these lies as you may recognize excuses you are making in order to avoid something. Breaking this habit is challenging but once the behavior is recognized it is much easier to do something about it!
  5. Get uncomfortable! It is so easy to find a rhythm and routine in life, and although this can help you get organized and grounded, it can also be great to try new things! Push yourself out of your nice and cozy comfort zone and try something new! Say yes to something you may normally turn down. Take a class that you’ve been meaning to sign up for. Go out for a bite to eat with friends even if you feel the call of your favorite TV show is calling you at home. Get out there it’s a big world and have fun!

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