by Dennis Kim

Today is Bell’s Lets talk day!

In September 2010, Bell Let’s Talk was started! Intended to be a new dialogue about Canada’s mental health and mental health awareness in general. In 2010 the landscape for discussion on mental illness was very sparse to say the least. The level of awareness to mental health and mental health first aid was something most kept to themselves rather than a common topic of discussion. Although the numbers of people suffering from mental health issues was undeniable. This resulted in millions of Canadians, including celebrities and public figures, to initiate an open conversation about mental illness. This movement has allowed for mental health awareness and mental health first aid to become a recognized issue that has to be better understand and tended too. Although it didn’t stop in 2010, it has continued and continued to grow.

Even resulting in institutions and organizations large and small in every region received new funding for access, care and research from Bell Let’s Talk and from governments and corporations that have joined the cause. Bell's total donation to mental health programs now stands at $93,423,628.80, and is well on its way to reaching $100 Million!

So, get involved! For every text message*, mobile and long-distance call*, Bell Let’s Talk Day video view on social media, tweet using #BellLetsTalk, use of the Bell Let’s Talk Facebook frame or Snapchat filter, Bell will donate 5¢ to Canadian mental health initiatives!

If you want to learn more about mental health first aid and psychological first to get equipped with skills to help a person with mental health issues or is dealing with stress grief and or more visit us at pacificfirstaid.ca

Book your class today!